If you are a newbie looking for financial freedom, then my guide on How to start a blog and make money will help you earn a livelihood.
Everybody wants freedom in their work but only a few dare to learn blogging and earn financial freedom. A wise man said, “Pen is mightier than the sword”. A blog is all about expressing your ideas to a large number of audiences online.
Pick up the pen and start writing, you will see how people react to your articles. Some might become your fan right from the beginning whereas some might criticize you. Don’t be in a hurry to use Chatgpt and other AI software apps to get your work done quickly. You can use AI tools to generate a topic, but copying and pasting the whole content is foolish.
When I started blogging in 2019 with no knowledge I made lots of mistakes. From these mistakes, I learned a lot. Now I want to help those who would like to start a blog and earn like a boss.
Table of Contents
Why Blogging?
✅ Blogging gives you self-confidence.
✅ You now have financial freedom.
✅ You can make more money than you might make in a 9 to 5 daily job.
✅ It gives you fame and makes you stand out. You are no less than a star.
✅ It gives you peace of mind as you live like a boss. You have more time to travel and spend time with your family.
And more which cannot be expressed until you start and experience it yourself.
I have tried to make this post on How to start a blog and make money specific and short. So read till the end and clear your doubts on blogging.
How To start a blog and make money?
It’s never too late to begin a journey with excitement. You never know what you will find at the other end of the world. How to start a blog needs contemplation but I have done the hard work to save your time.
So bag pack and prepare for a roller coaster ride with these 5 easy steps to start a blog.

1. Choose Your Niche
What is that thing that inspires and sparks you?
Choose a niche of your interest. It could be anything like Food, Fashion, Travel, Sports, Technology, Finance, Lifestyle, and more.
For me the choice was easy!
As I had completed my graduation in Electronics engineering, my passion was always in technology. But blogging was not a piece of cake for me as it was completely different. I stumbled a lot many times but never lost courage. This led me to endeavor to succeed in blogging.
It would be best if you started brainstorming to choose a niche. Just be passionate about the niche you choose, ultimately you could make money from it.
A little research and you are good to go!
2. Search for a Domain Name
A domain name is how people will search for you on the internet. So choose the domain name that represents exactly what you want to convey to your audience.
There are many domain registrars where you can register your domain name. You can choose from different domain extensions like .com, .in, .net, .org and more.
The next step after registering a domain name is to choose a quality web host. I would recommend BigRock as it offers a free domain name with tons of features.
By choosing HostGator, you will save on the domain name. Along with it, you get freebies like an SSL certificate for site protection.
3. Select Quality Hosting Provider
The choice is easy! Hostinger offers affordable hosting solutions for beginners and experts. Its Shared Web Hosting is best suited for beginners.
There are three plans to choose from viz. Hatchling plan, Baby Plan, and Business Plan.
All the plans offer free domain names, and SSL certificates to ensure the safety of your site. Also includes unmetered bandwidth, 1-click WordPress installation, and a control panel cPanel.
You can choose different hosting providers from my list of best Hosting Providers.
4. Start Building Your Blog
Till now you must have understood the basic requirements to start a blog. Now comes the tricky part. The design of your blog is one of the key elements that your audience will always look at.
But are you a web designer?
Don’t worry if you are not a technological expert. There are many platforms available that don’t require any coding skills.
Platforms like WordPress, Magento, Joomla, etc. are the best ones. More than 40% of the websites today are developed on WordPress. So I recommend you to choose WordPress. HostGator offers 1-click WordPress installation so you won’t have difficulty in installing it.
There are numerous WordPress themes available for free and paid. You can choose the best free WordPress themes from WP themes & plugins. Other premium theme providers like MyThemeShop & ThemeForest offer advanced features.
Now you have your blog ready. So what’s next?
5. Write because that is What Matters the Most
You must have heard “If you want to be a good speaker you ought to be a good listener.”
Now here’s the catch.
“If you want to be a good writer you have to be a good reader.”
Don’t be in a hurry to write a post every day and then get tired soon. Instead, slow your pace and do keyword research before you write any post.
There are many keyword research tools like SEMrush, KWFinder, and more. I recommend SEMrush as it lets you explore a lot.
Here’s what you need to keep in mind while writing a post:
- Do a keyword research analysis and identify the keywords which your blog can rank for.
- Make sure the title is not too long and is specific. Like here I wanted to show you How to Start a Blog.
- This lets your readers decide at the beginning whether they are interested in reading your post or not.
- Search for the topic that is trending the most. It could be anything like “How to lose weight in 3 days”, “Top 5 institutions for MBA”, etc.
- Write at least 800-1000 words per article keeping in mind the SEO.
- Attach images, videos, or infographics as it helps users understand & relate better.
Take Down
So here we are at the end of this post. I hope my guide on How to start a blog and make money online was helpful. Don’t be in a hurry to start a blog without prior knowledge. Take your time, do some research, and get going.
Till then…
Be Healthy, Be Wise, and Keep Sharing!
Take Care Reborns
🌟 FAQs | How to start a blog and make money?
How much money can I make by blogging?
Blogging is not a short-term money-making process. If you are determined and set your goals right, you can make nothing less than $1000 per month with blogging.
What works best in blogging to make money?
Affiliate marketing is the most popular method to make money by blogging. Once your blog receives huge traffic, brands recognize you and you might get sponsored posts and banners.
Is blogging free?
You can start blogging for free on Medium or Bloggers. But if you want a blog owned by you, then you need to purchase a domain, hosting, WordPress themes, and plugins.
Which is the best theme for blogging?
GeneratePress is the fastest and light-weight WordPress theme for blogging.
How do I optimize my blog posts for better ranking in SERPs?
To optimize your blog post for better search rankings, use the Rank Math WordPress plugin. You can write SEO-friendly content with the Content AI and also optimize your post to rank high on Google.