Importance of Images For A Blog [year]- How To Create Images?

What is the importance of images for a blog & social media?

Good design is good business – Thomas J. Watson

The above statement explains it all.

If you have fewer words but a great picture, then that picture is worth 1000 words. People tend to skip reading but never an image. And when you are showcasing something to your audience on social media, then image plays a vital role.

I would say, that image plays the most crucial role and is a significant factor in capturing your audience’s attention. The human brain processes images faster as it can visualize objects in less than a second.

A study by neuroscientists from MIT has found that the human brain processes an image seen by the human eyes in only 13 milliseconds – Source by

What Is The Importance of Images for A Blog and Social Media?

After discussing the importance of images for a blog & social media, I will show you a list of top DIY image editors. Using these image editors, you can make stunning images and awe your visitors.

1. Grab Your Visitor’s Attention 👀

You wouldn’t want visitors to leave your blog page, or social media account without noticing the activity on it. If you have fewer words in your article but an attractive image, then your audience engagement will be ten times more.

A human brain tends to respond quickly to images as it has colors, and so the chances of user engagement increases. But you have to keep in mind that your images should be of interest to your audience and not of the topic.

A user would fall in love with your image and cannot resist spending more time on your blog page. So coming back to the importance of image, we were talking about the interest of your audience.

So how to determine the interest of your audience?

If you want to focus on relevant information specific to women’s empowerment, then your image should highlight successful women. By showing your audience success stories about women, you are more likely to reach their minds & engage them to read your article further.

2. Brand Recognition Across Different Platforms 🌍

The key to success is to be consistent in publishing images that are relevant across all the social media platforms that you use. Try to keep your audience engaged on your different social media accounts, so they recognize you as the same brand.

Don’t make them think too much about what you want to convey with your images. As said before, your image should be relevant to your audience. Let us consider that the major visitors on your blog & social media are youngsters.

But if you post something relevant to elders then that would divert your audience and you might not see them again. So coming back to the point where we left off.

Your visual identity across all the platforms should look familiar 7 consistent that helps you build your brand. Turn your positive thoughts into reality by carefully designing images and building your social engagement.

Once, your images have the power to reflect thoughts and connect with the audience, your followers will increase and you will see how loyal they are.

3. Variant Images Bring Audience Back 🎯

If you Change Nothing, Nothing Will Change!

Nobody wants to repeatedly see the same old stuff. Do you like to eat the same food every day?

No, you don’t!

So, how do you expect your audience to digest the same old images for a long period?

Keep changing your images from time to time. Don’t worry, it’s not rocket science. Many cool image editors are available for free to use. So, make use of these tools and present your audience with different pictures with different emotions.

You can keep selfies as your profile picture but for God’s sake don’t show it to your audience in your post.
Changing images now and then will keep your audience away from boredom, and they will be excited & eagerly waiting for your next post.

Change is good!

Top DIY Image Editors

Before I conclude the importance of an image for a blog & social media, as promised, here are the top DIY image editors that even I use.

designcap logo

3. Designcap

snappa logo

4. Snappa

stencil logo

5. Stencil

Canva is my top choice as it offers amazing features even with its free version. You can try other DIY image editors and let me know which one you feel is the best.

Final Words On the Importance of Images

So, here we are at the end of this article where I tried to highlight the importance of an image for a blog & social media. People forget what they hear in 72 hours but what they see will last longer.

If you want to build your brand identity then you need to balance it with the two wheels. One is text and the other one is image. Hope the article was useful and informative.

Till then…

Be Healthy, Be Wise, and Keep Sharing!

Take Care Reborns

🌟 FAQs | Importance of Images

Why are images important for a blog or website?

Images can catch anyone’s attention quickly and some might even relate to it with their past history or emotions. This increases the website’s visibility on search engines and the CTR of your website increases.

Are alt tags important for images?

Alt tags are very important as they let Google know what is the image all about. Writing alt-text for your images increases the probability of ranking high on Google.

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